Conscious Report

Transforming inclusive hiring initiatives

Brief by Stefanie DiGianvincenzo

Diversity needs to exist as an integral part of our everyday. The brief is to help make that shift within creative companies around the world. What could an agency, holding company, industry publication, award show, tech giant or brand do to spark this?


Diversity has been an issue for decades, to the point where the problem itself has now become normalised and tokenised. Most companies knowingly or unknowingly contributed to this problem. Nonetheless, there is still a discordance between the truth of what an organisation is and what the organisation is perceived as.


One form of truth is employee records and reviews. Glassdoor provides working professionals insight of what an organisation is, through anonymous reviews by current and former employees. While individuals may have some power in their personal choices on where to work, hiring managers and recruiters have eminent power in shaping a more diverse organisation.


Conscious Report

A quarterly report that identifies the (un)conscious bias of recruiters and hiring managers, using data analytics.

How does it work?

Conscious Report is an analytical report that uses qualitative and quantitative data of the user’s activity on LinkedIn. It aims to inform recruiters and hiring managers about their bias. This feature is only for LinkedIn Recruiter subscribers. In which they gain access to a personalised report of their LinkedIn habits and insights.

Biases are formed at early ages and they usually come into play unintentionally. Because of this, we can’t stop internalised conscious bias from happening without intentionally paying attention to it. But, by acknowledging and accepting that the recruiters’ biases are what contributes to the issue of diversity, they can become more critical and effective in selecting a diverse pool of talent.

At the end of every month,

LinkedIn Recruiter Subscribers will get a report on their monthly LinkedIn activity and receive tips on how to improve themselves against their biases. This will give them a chance to face and improve their part of the problem.

In every three years,

LinkedIn will share a list of Most Improved and Most Diverse companies with the companies that are subscribed to them, which will give these organisations a chance to use their diversity in their marketing–thus pushing them to get better every year.

We believe Diversity is needed, but it is important to question how we can work towards a harmonious future without neglecting others.