Excerpts from Daffy's Blog

A Marketing Campaign for Space Jam 2

Brief by Young Glory 2020 February

Get the world excited about Space Jam 2.


Since Space Jam 2 was announced, fans have been waiting for its content. However, the movie and its official content release had been pushed back multiple times without any explanations. So we created a project showing the reason why things have been getting pushed back, as well as having a comical campaign in the true Looney Tunes fashion: “Screwball” character Daffy hasn’t been doing his job!

  1. An extra job?!
    Head of marketing?!

    21:35, 5th July 2020

    Geez! Warner Bros sure doesn’t let a duck be on his merry way!
    Okay, so what, if they had given me the head of marketing position for the Space Jam 2 movie after my many inquiries about getting more involved with the movie? It’s not like I was looking for more work! I just needed to know I would be the face of the movie. How dare they call me out for not doing my job through Twitter! To their millions of followers! I hadn’t been this offended since that time Tweety tweeted one tricky tweet.
    I am a film-star, you know! These media profiles are important for me. And now hundreds of more people are following me and asking me questions about the details on Space Jam 2! Now I HAVE to do something for the movie’s marketing. How awful! #saltyduck

  2. Where is the ‘me’ in these meetings

    14:15, 10th July 2020

    I am EXHAUSTED! Ever since Warner Bros’ rude callout, they have been scheduling meetings non-stop. Who knew people would talk so much about getting other people to talk about something? We talk about the movie, so that other people will talk about the movie, so that those people will watch the movie, so they’ll talk more about it, so that we’ll talk more about movies and potential spinoffs. And none of us have even seen the movie yet! I bet no one in those meetings get paid enough to run in circles like that. I know I certainly am not!
    And there are so many rules to it as well! “You can’t release spoilers Daffy” “You can’t sue the Mickey Mouse corporation Daffy” “You can’t be the only face of the movie Daffy” “Get off the table Daffy”
    At least, the team and I finally agreed to design the official movie posters as the first priority. But they won’t even let me be the main star in them... I would have been so good at it too! But nooo! Stupid Bugs and stupid Lebron always get the spotlight because they are soooooo popular.

  3. Maybe I should become a designer

    22:50, 14th July 2020

    Finally met the designers today!
    I have to say, I think today was the most productive meeting so far. We have finally started planning the new poster. I have such great ideas and we’re finally moving on from sitting ducks.
    Also, finally getting my chance to show my artistic abilities. I won’t be surprised if the designers are in awe with this duck-up I did today. They seemed to take everything I said like ducks to water.

  4. Big day tomorrow!
    Highlight of my career

    14:15, 13th August 2020

    The day has come! The designs are getting released tomorrow morning!
    Ah, how sweet was this ride... I have been building up for this day on my twitter account and on this blog for a while now. But I am so glad that I was always confident in my role and fully in control of this work.
    You will see the fruits of my success tomorrow, and then see me collecting all of those advertising awards like Cannes Ducks and Young Glories immediately afterwards.
    I have already emailed the Warner Bros CEO about the next steps in my career, and what kind of raise I need to get in order to continue working with them.
    Bright days are to come... From tomorrow and forward, Space Jam 2 will be remembered not as Bugs’ or LeBron’s movie, but as my hit as the head of marketing.

  5. Worldwide Poster Release!

    09:00, 14th August 2020

  6. Slight misunderstanding

    09:02, 14th August 2020

    So... Uhm... It wasn’t my fault?
    Okay, maybe the designers hadn’t really understood what I wanted. Maybe I should have gone to the follow up meetings. Maybe I should have checked the final posters before the world-wide release. And maybe I should have waited before emailing Warner Bros CEO yesterday and every news outlet this morning about my perfect work.
    Things can go wrong, right? It’s not even that big of a deal.
    Maybe no one will even notice.

  7. Whoopsie

    09:54, 14th August 2020

    Okay, they did notice and they ducked me off of the Marketing department.
    The damage has already been done and some of the posters are probably going to have to stay this way...
    But the good news is that the final editing and rendering of the movie was apparently already done by now, so it’s too expensive to fully cut me out of the movie.
    Though my salary is definitely going to go through a cut.
    Honestly, whose idea even was it to insist that I be the Head of Marketing? I’m way too good at acting to focus at anything else!