Social Blackout

A day to educate voters without the background noise


During election periods, Facebook and Instagram have become very popular amongst presidential candidates and voters. However, they are also filled with wrong and misleading information about the voting process and the candidates.


People have become more aware of how their opinions are manipulated, as such, they no longer fully trust what they see an online. Hence, not trusting their own opinions as they question the authenticity of their own thoughts.


By getting people to reach unbiased information easily, people can learn more about the elections without biased and eventually, empowering them to become more politically conscious and active enough to vote.


Social Blackout

by Facebook

During these 24 hours, any users that tries to reach Facebook or Instagram will be taken to a website called

A website designed to educate people on the election process, candidates, and the importance of voting.

Biases are formed at early ages and they usually come into play unintentionally. Because of this, we can’t stop internalised conscious bias from happening without intentionally paying attention to it. But, by acknowledging and accepting that the recruiters’ biases are what contributes to the issue of diversity, they can become more critical and effective in selecting a diverse pool of talent.

Created by Facebook,, will present all information of the election.
This includes information such as on the candidates’ backgrounds, their policies and their pledges; with citation to where they announced/shared the shown information. This way, will act as a general unbiased education platform that also enable people to read more into the topic if they want to.

Simply put, this empowers users to take agency in their voting decisions by informing them about proposed policies and the voting process.

After these 24 hours, will still be live and linked via shortcut buttons on home pages of Facebook and Instagram until the end election. With that, voters will have an unbiased website to refer to for any election queries — letting them get untainted and unmanipulated answers. can go beyond the US and make people all around the world politically engaged.